Admission arrangements & PAN

If you live in the villages of Upton, Panxworth, Ranworth or South Walsham, we are your local school.

If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 they can start school in September 2025.

You will need to apply for a school place direct to the Education Department of Norfolk County Council. There is more information online here.  Alternatively ring 0844 8008001 for further details.

You can also contact us for a Prospectus by phone on 01603 270224 or by e-mail – or you can download one here.

Pupil Admission Number

Each year we welcome up to 15 new children into our Reception year.  As a small school our classes usually consist of children from two school years eg years 3 & years 4.

Our Admission Policy

As a Voluntary Aided School, the school governors have decided to adopt the Norfolk County Council Policy on first admission to school, which is as follows:

By law children must start statutory education full time at the beginning of the term following their fifth birthday. All children will be offered a full time place in our reception class regardless of which month they were born. Parents who do choose the full time option must commit to this attendance pattern for all of the Autumn Term. From the Spring Term, all reception children start full time under local admissions arrangements.

Parents with children born between March and August can opt for their child to attend part time for the Autumn Term, however we feel that children benefit more from full time attendance from September and settle into the school routine more quickly.

Please feel welcome to come and discuss arrangements for your child’s admission to Fairhaven Primary School.

If you inform us that you wish to delay your child’s entry the place will be held and will not be offered to another child.

If there are more applications for places than there are places available, the Governors will give preference to children living nearest the school (using “crow fly” distance measurement) according to the following criteria in this order of priority:

1. Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs naming that school.
2. Children who are in public care.
3. Children who live within the ecclesiastical parishes of South Walsham, Upton, Ranworth and Panxworth and have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of their admission.
4. Children who live within the ecclesiastical parishes of South Walsham, Upton, Ranworth and Panxworth and have no brother or sister attending the school at the time of their admission.
5. Children who live outside the designated area and have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of their admission.
6. Children whose parents live outside the designated area but wish their child to receive an education at a school with a Church of England Foundation. A reference from a minister of religion will be required to confirm at least monthly attendance of child and/or parents at Church activities. Activities being defined as events, meetings, gatherings or services organised by Church representatives.
7. Children living outside the designated area and have no brother or sister attending the school at the time of their admission.

A child must be offered a place at the school unless the Governors are satisfied that:

(a) Admission of the child would “prejudice the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources”, which normally means it would increase numbers above an agreed limit for the school.
(b) Admission of the child would be incompatible with any agreement made with the Local Authority to protect the school’s denominational nature or other distinctive ethos.

The Reception teacher will link closely with the children from Fairhaven Pre-School (located adjacent to the school in the Village Hall) in an extensive transition programme. Initially our Reception teacher will meet prospective pupils in the Fairhaven Pre-School environment where they will feel more comfortable. During the summer term the children will spend time in school as part of the transition programme.  All children joining us in September will have the opportunity to visit the Reception class in the summer term.

Parents or guardians have the opportunity to attend an introductory meeting once a formal offer of a place has been made. This will take place in the Summer term prior to the child starting school in September. This meeting will give parents the opportunity to meet the class teacher and look round the school.

To download a copy of our Admissions Policy please visit our policies page under our School Information heading.